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The electromagnetic force is one of the four fundamental forces of nature. It is the dominant force in the interactions of atoms and molecules. The Thruster is a device that enhances the mixture of electrolytic gases, including hydrogen, gaseous fuels, oxygen and atmospheric air, among other elements. When subjected to electromagnetic fields of high intensity and frequency, these gases are accelerated in volumetric expansion chambers, resulting in notable thermal and energy gains.


The Thruster promotes the organization of fuel molecules with the catalysts present (ionized oxygen atoms), releasing large amounts of energy, resulting in large savings and reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.


Due to its characteristic of producing more useful energy with less fuel, the Thruster acts directly as an energy efficiency driver, generating a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, savings and sustainability for the industry.


It is a technology ready to support industries in the energy transition, reducing consumption of gaseous fuels such as Natural Gas, LPG, Biomethane, among others, mainly in thermal uses and processes. It can also be used in internal combustion engines, reducing the consumption of gasoline, ethanol and diesel by more than 30%, including engines converted to operate 100% with hydrogen.


Greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by more than 50%, making Thruster a powerful and indispensable tool for the ESG (Environmental and Social Governance) policies of sustainable industries and businesses. All the benefits generated by Thruster are guaranteed in a business model in which industry or commerce does not make investments.


Both the Thruster and business model are disruptive in nature. Thruster makes use of forces of nature to generate incredible gains. The business model allows the customer to benefit through energy services, without investing in technology, installation, maintenance or monitoring. The equipment is remotely monitored in real time, providing valuable information for the operation.


The time between initial contact with customers and the beginning of the energy gains monitoring phase is short. The schedule presents the main steps and approximate deadlines.



After months of trials and tests, carried out by several global reference companies, the reduction in consumption of different types of fuel was confirmed.


The reduction in NG consumption was above 45% and the reduction in LPG above 50%. An on-site investigation is carried out at each client to define the best technical solution. Our team is committed to greater energy efficiency and expanding economic and socio-environmental benefits and will always identify the best solution for our customers.


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